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May 18, 2016


Hello STCGA Members,


It is the start of a new club year for STCGA. We are coming out of this  past year with a highly successful Specialty Show last month, due to the hard work of Show Chair, Gail Feske, and her dedicated show committee.  The quality of the show entries, the fun-filled, delicious banquet  thanks to Eric Varner and Sharon Ero, and just the tremendous excitement generated by all our visitors and the Scotties made it a memorable weekend. Last October's Fala Day was another successful and delightful  event for us with kudos going to Gail Feske and Dara DeHaven and their Fala Day helpers. The new Board is standing on the accomplishments of prior President Rhea Spence and the Boards who brought us through some tumultuous times. We thank them for their dedication and perseverance  as we go forward.


This year promises to be extra special because it is the 40th anniversary of STCGA’s Specialty.  Ideas and plans are already hatching.  It is going  to be a blow out.  Fala Day planning is underway and it, too, is going  to be a fantastic weekend.  The new board, whose experience and  expertise is unrivaled, is enthusiastic and brimming with new ideas   There are a number of ideas for a variety of programs for our meetings  that will be of interest and delight to everyone.  However, all of these events take numbers of volunteers to accomplish.  WE NEED YOU!!  Please plan to attend the meetings.  Talk with us about the various volunteer opportunities.  We have  something for everyone.  It will not just be hard work.  We have fun  while doing the various activities. Every pair of “paws” counts. If  you have any ideas, suggestions, questions or comments, please do not  hesitate to call me or any of the other board members.  We would love to hear from you.  This is your club.  You joined it because you love the Scottish Terrier breed.  Strong regional clubs are the foundation for maintaining healthy breeds for the future.  We cannot remain a strong  club without our volunteers.  On behalf of your beloved Scotties, come  volunteer and have wonderful, fulfilling times with other Scottie lovers.


Watch our website in the next few weeks for the year's schedule of meetings and events, plus other items of interest.  Read the posted minutes so you know what is happening.  If you have any problems with the site,  contact our guru, Herschal Hill (webmaster). Be sure to check our face book page frequently.  Glenda Tucker keeps it up to date with many  interesting items pertaining to the breed and canines in general.  The graphics are fantastic. Also, she in her capacity as Regional Rep for  the club will send, from time to time, articles, etc. of interest  pertaining to the STCA.


I am so looking forward to this coming year.  It will be a privilege to  take a part in this exciting and growth filled time.  A part of the excitement will be seeing each of you at the meetings and working with  you on the upcoming events. 



Judith Helton
STCGA President


There are several classifications of membership open to all persons 18 years of age and older who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of the STCGA.
A. Individual Membership: Open to all persons 18 years of age and older.
B. Family Membership: Open to any two persons over 18 years of age residing at the same address. Each member shall have one (1) vote in all club affairs.
C. Honorary Membership: Open to individuals who have performed outstanding service to the betterment of The Club and of the Breed. . An Honorary member shall have all rights and privileges of regular membership. A member may make a recommendation to the Board with substantiating information.
D. Associate Individual or Associate Family Membership: Same requirements as paragraphs A and B above, but individuals or family who live a great distance or can not attend meetings. The Associate Member would not have a vote or be able to petition the Board. Their status could be changed to regular membership status upon petition in writing to the Club Secretary. The dues would remain the same as regular membership.
In addition, Junior Membership is open to any individual who is 10 to 17 years of age. Junior members shall not be entitled to vote in Club affairs or hold office in the Club.


Please mail or email membership applications to:

Dara DeHaven

1717 N Decatur Road NE

Unit 406

Atlanta, GA  30307

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